How to Draw Apple Bloom, Apple Bloom, My Little Pony
Make your first shape in the form of a circle like so. Make a small egg shape for her body, and then draw in one face guide.
Step 2.
Begin sketching
out the shape of her face from a side view profile. This should include
her nose, open mouth, and then draw out her ear, and some of her looped
mane. I guess you could say she is not as well groomed as her sister.
Step 3.
Now you will
tackle the task of drawing out her big round eyes like so, and then draw
in the layers that makes up her eyeballs, and pupils. Sketch in some
lashes, and then draw some hair strand lines to her mane, and detailing
to the ears and nose.
Step 4.
Finish drawing
out some of the mane and then draw out more of her body shape. This
should include the chest, back end, and then some of the tail.
Step 5.
Next you will be drawing Apple Bloom's legs and make sure that the bottom of the hooves are flat.
For the last
drawing step you will be drawing in the detailing for the tail, and then
draw out the butterfly shaped big, southern bell bow. Erase the shapes
and lines that you made in step one.
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