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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2018

How to Draw the Flame Princess, Flame Princess From Adventure Time

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How to Draw the Flame Princess, Flame Princess From Adventure Time Prev Next Step 1. Coloring here Draw two circles, one for the head, and another for her torso. You will then draw in the limb lines like so. Step 2. Coloring here As you know Flame Princess has fiery hair so when you sketch out her hairstyle, think flames. Draw in the burning flame for the top part of her head, then draw the bangs that hang on the sides of her face. Step 3. Coloring here Draw the lollipop shaped head, then color in two eyes, a mouth and her tiara on her forehead. ...

How to Draw a Cute Gryphon

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Fun How to Draw a Cute Gryphon Prev Next Step 1. Coloring Here Before we go further and jump onto the details, you'll want to create a standard foundation for your cute gryphon. Start by drawing a circle for the head and crisscrossed lines that will proportion the facial details. Once you've flown with that, work on an egg-like shape for the body. This will cause the eye to figure out the basic shapes of the complex drawing. By eliminating the difficulty of the drawing, you'll end up with chance of a cool gryphon. If pleased, add the three lines for the frame figure of the limbs. Step 2. Coloring Here Next, before we work on the body, you'll want to frame the face. ...

How to Draw Princess Cadence, My Little Pony

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How to Draw Princess Cadence, My Little Pony Prev Next Step 1. Coloring here Begin by drawing a head shape, then make the neck which will be connected to another shape that looks sort of like a nut. Add the facial guideline then you're done here. Step 2. Coloring here Next up, begin drawing out the forehead, muzzle, and then her ear. Move onto drawing the top part of Princess Cadance's mane as well as her crown and horn. Step 3. Coloring here Add the striped lines on the horn, then draw out the tear drop shaped eye followed by coloring in the pupil. Add the l...

How to Draw a Cartoon Princess

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How to Draw a Cartoon Princess Prev Next Step 1. Coloring Here This is a full bodied princess so you will draw the head, torso and hip guides then sketch in the facial guidelines as well as the limb guides. Step 2. Coloring Here Next, define the shape of the cartoon princess' face, and then use the facial guidelines to draw the eyes, nose and mouth. Notice how the eyes are very catty. Step 3. Coloring Here Cap off the head by drawing in the princess' hairstyle which is in a pretty, stylish bun. She also has bangs and some side ends that hang down the sides o...

How to Draw a Fairy Princess

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How to Draw a Fairy Princess Prev Next Step 1. Coloring Here Make the guide for the head and torso, and then sketch in the facial guidelines along with the guidelines for the arms and body. Step 2. Coloring Here Next, we will define the shape of her face, then begin to draw in her long, flowing hair. Notice that the hair is in layers which is why it's shorter strands along the sides of her face. Step 3. Coloring Here Next, use the facial guidelines to draw out the shapes of her eyes and eyebrows. Color in the brows and add these long lashes. Don't forget ...